Start-Up Case Study
“I have no doubt that the work you
did made a huge contribution to our being acquired.”— Startup Founder
The Problem
User feedback was becoming increasingly negative and something needed to be done.
“[Software], the way that we have the software organized, it's very data centric and not very user-centric.”
– Frustrated Customer
The Approach
Daito stepped in with a multi-pronged approach to tackling this with stakeholder workshops and strategy planning, onsite and in-depth end user interviews, heuristic evaluations, analytics and technical reviews of the existing software.
The qualitative data was then clustered into themes as follows:
Daily Duties
[Software] Uses
Relationships Between The Team Members
Other Tools Used Alongside [Software]
Pain Points
This helped us gain insights into our findings and areas that we needed to focus on. With this prioritized backlog, we were able to make dramatic improvements in the user experience with [Software].
SUS Assessment
System Usability Score (SUS) Assessment is a short 10 question survey taken after each usability test to obtain a numerical value of how users felt about the usability of the system. Each user rates their answer for each question on a 5 point scale, 1 representing low satisfaction and 5 representing the highest satisfaction. We then calculated the weighted average of the 8 users who participated in our usability testing sessions
Using the Systems Usability Scale (SUS Score), [Software name removed for confidentiality] overall score is: 55.31, which leads to active detractors.
SUS Score is far below the industry standard threshold of 68, the minimum of viable, sustainable software.
The Solution
The ultimate solution was a blend of Daito lead redesign efforts, internal team training, and ongoing mentorship to help the company develop its own strength in this area.
After these remediations, this company was purchased and the software was incorporated into a larger mapping data platform.